1st Stuttgart Landweinmarkt - October 22nd, 2023 - Experience the region's wild projects

1st Stuttgart Landweinmarkt - October 22nd, 2023 - Experience the regions wild projects
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Products description

All far from the mainstream. Creative, sustainable, crazy! Tens of wines to try, lots to discuss, plus Italian cuisine and beer. Will be funny!

The Ökologischen Gemeinschaft Naturwein e.V., in cooperation with the Casa del Consumo restaurant and the Kreis wine shop, organizes a small but very fine wine fair in Stuttgart's Heusteigviertel.

Sunday, October 22nd, 2023
1:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. open to everyone
Advance booking €15, box office €20, including tasting

Casa del Consumo
Heusteigstr. 45
70180 Stuttgart-Süd

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